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Extra-Curricular Activities Team

Aims & Objectives | Year Plan | Highlights of Activities |


To foster Chinese culture and emphasize the five areas of moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic development of each individual student so as to nurture every student to be a knowledgeable, cultured, committed and highly ethical person. Students are able to positively develop their temperament and improve their physical health. We also aim at nurturing our future generations to become confident and responsible persons.


  1. To explore opportunities for student learning and make use of campus leisure time.

  2. To cope with the school triennial theme, "From “me” to we". Encouraging students to participate different activities so as to broaden their horizon, sharpen their skills in communication and teamwork.

  3. To foster Chinese culture.

ECA Clubs




Interest & Religion

Community Youth Club

Athletics Club

Business Club

Chess Club

Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps

Badminton Club

Chinese Club

Chinese Opera Club


Basketball Club

Computer and Multimedia Club

Chinese Orchestra

Social Service Club

Football Club

Design and Technology Club

Christian Fellowship

Student Librarian Unit

Handball Club

English Club

Green Action

Youth Red Cross

Swimming and Life-saving Club

Geography Club

Handicraft Club


Table-tennis Club

History Club

KLC Voice

Trampoline Club

Mathematics Club

Odyssey of the Mind Group

Volleyball Club

Music Club

Performance Troupe


Putonghua Club


Science Club


Technology and Living Club

        Visual Arts Club    

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